A note to American quilters: Did you know that Canadian Longarmers generally charge the same rates as our American counterparts? I’m sure you know what that means! Depending on the exchange rate, you get an automatic ~30% discount if you send your quilt to Canada to be quilted!

Current Promotions


Art East Quilting Co.

I fell so in love with all of Art East Quilting Co.’s patterns, that I reached out to see it there was anyway I could offer my support (Go Canada!) I am offering free batting for any quilt that comes to me made from an Art East Quilting Co. pattern simply because Mythical Weiners, T. Rex on Rollerskates, and Space Bacon make me happy, and I want to quilt them all!!


 3rd Story Workshop x Keephouse Fat Quarterly

Look for a discount code in Fat Quarterly No. 5, and the upcoming No. 6 installment. Fat Quarterly is a collaboration between the wildly creative and talented, Nova Scotia based pattern designer and teacher Andrea Tsang Jackson of 3rd Story Workshop, and textile producer Alissa Kloet of Keephouse.


Ships & Violins

While I’m not currently sponsoring any discounts with the lovely super creative Cristina De Miranda of Ships & Violins, as I have in the past, I have to leave the link to her page up on my site. She creates beautiful original patterns, mostly paper-pieced that everyone needs to check out. Check out her Constellation Series. Wowza!!